In Val Kilmer's World Crazy Things Seem Normal And Normal Things Seem Crazy
Vintage Klosterman. It's a shame this was written six years ago, because I sense it would only be crazier today.—JS
Nov 30, 2011
Vintage Klosterman. It's a shame this was written six years ago, because I sense it would only be crazier today.—JS
Nov 29, 2011
This is a couple of years old, but it's interesting and astounding, and I have no doubt the same stories are happening today.—JS
Nov 28, 2011
The headline and photos are a bit melodramatic, but this is a very thoughtful piece that makes me root for not-crazy Republicans.—TG
The scandal has been talked to death, or nearly so, but I found this particular perspective to be interesting and resonant.—JS
Nov 27, 2011
Just the picks, ma'am. [The full column will be back next week]
Nov 25, 2011
Yeah, you can go ahead and judge these books by their covers.
Of course that's the headline. But that isn't really what the article is about. It's about parenting daughters, and why girls are awesome.—JS
Nov 21, 2011
I'm not the biggest Godfather fan ever (it insists upon itself), but this thing from a couple of years ago about the making of the movie is a great read.—JM
Nov 18, 2011
But Knight will always have that TV movie where he was played by Brian Dennehy.
Just one more week, and then these pesky byes will be done plaguing fantasy football players forever! Well, or until next season.
It's "Oh My God, What's Going to Happen to Community?!? Day" here at PoopReading. This link delivers some solid, no-nonsense answers about the biggest questions surrounding NBC's decision.—BK
A whole lot of wishful thinking here, but none of these points is simply absurd on its face. It'll be nice to watch some 30 Rock for a while, and if Community returns it'll be better than ever (and if not, they went out before going stale.)—JS
Nov 17, 2011
Every time I read an op-ed from the Whole Foods CEO I'm like, "Yes! Can this guy be president?" And every time I buy a steak at one of his stores I'm like, "Mmmmm! This is delicious!"—JM
I could sit and read profiles of the "South Park" guys all day.—JM
Nov 11, 2011
I smell some Tonys! (Oh wait, it's just Danza and Shalhoub.)
The football picks are back! Not with a vengeance, by any stretch of the imagination... but they're back nonetheless.
Nov 10, 2011
I don't know if anyone out there is writing better stuff than Weinreb about the Penn State scandal. Despite close personal ties (grew up there, an alum, and appears to still live there), he's maintaining a level of journalistic objectivity that, combined with genuine emotion, makes for riveting reading.—BK
I've yet to read this, but the title alone tells me it's going to be amazing.—JS
Nov 9, 2011
If you live to be 100 you'll basically witness, like, almost 2% of recorded human civilization. So, why wouldn't you want to?—JM
Nov 8, 2011
One of the most personal and well-written columns I've read about the horrifying scandal over at Penn State.—BK
Nov 4, 2011
Once you go black, you'll need to sign a binding non-disclosure agreement.
I'm taking a bye week...
Just in case the absence of my football picks column has left you jonesing for (hopefully) amusing sports commentary from somebody who sort of freely admits he doesn't really know what he's talking about.—JM
Nov 3, 2011
Seriously, dudes. We have to stop making so many people.—TG
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