Changes Being Made to Pro Football in the Wake of the New NFL Collective Bargaining Agreement
Are you ready for some post-union-decertification-and-possible-violations-of-antitrust-law football?!
Jul 29, 2011
Are you ready for some post-union-decertification-and-possible-violations-of-antitrust-law football?!
Funny how our plans don't always work out the way we expected. Interesting times make for interesting bedfellows.—JS
Kind of strange timing, given today's political climate, but the point is that games can be a lot more fun and satisfying when everyone plays by the actual rules.—JS
Jul 28, 2011
Why is academia so liberal? There are a host of theories, none of which – refreshingly enough – are particularly insidious.—JM
Maybe we can all just get along...—JM
Jul 27, 2011
From Mel Gibson to the Russian Spies to the vuvuzela (and more!), enjoy some of our favorite jokes from one year ago.
HOLY CRAP. This is me, except I'm two years older than the author, and I played the game as much with my friend Chris in my 20s & 30s as I did by myself in my teens. I've since moved on to a computer-based game, but finding Statis Pro Baseball was one of the best things that ever happened to me.—BK
My family swears by them.—BK
Jul 26, 2011
I wish I had more to say about "Breaking Bad." Unfortunately, it's so good that I'd feel silly adding anything.
Yeah, it's still better to have dinner with friends.—TG
I feel sorry for my Republican friends lately. The "NO TAXES EVER EVER EVER!" foot-stamping approach is genuinely embarrassing and does not seem to represent any majority, even within the party.—TG
Jul 25, 2011
There's some crazy stuff in here, roles that you'd never associate him with in a million years.—BK
Jul 22, 2011
"Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it's time for our viewers to crack each other's heads open and feast on the goo inside?" "Mmm, yes I would, Kent."
I talked to a guy this weekend who argued – and seemed honestly to believe – that the wealthy are the most underprivileged and vulnerable people in America. And I love this guy a lot, but... Jeebus.—JS
Wow, this was veering heavily into "I would like to subscribe to your newsletter" territory, right up to the suggestion that we provide for "amateur taxi driver" as a job title.—JS
Overpopulation is definitely the issue I worry about most. It's one reason I'm enjoying Albert Brooks's 2030 so much. (Although the main reason is that it's damn excellent.)—JS
Jul 21, 2011
I believe, and will continue to believe, that Friday Night Lights is the first television show in the history of the medium that qualifies as "significant world literature." Though the show is over you can expect to keep hearing about it here (so you may as well go watch all the DVDs!).—JM
I don't know what made me think of this today, but this is one of my favorite things ever. It's a "review" of Conan's old NBC "Late Night" show, written back in 1993 by Conan himself.—JM
Fear not, intrepid wordsmiths... he doesn't really mean it.—JM
Jul 20, 2011
More and more data is being accumulated about the serious nature of head injuries in sports, particularly in football.—BK
I like Modern Family as much as the next guy, but the author's point is well-taken: four nominees in one acting category is a bit much, especially when Nick Offerman is getting shut out.—BK
Jul 19, 2011
It has been a long time since I watched the British version of The Office, so it was fun to relive the excruciating experience of the original horrible boss.—TG
Ostensibly about the decision to have children (or not), this is a brilliant look at the unlived life that haunts each of us.—TG
Jul 18, 2011
As Feig says, let's hope people focus on the story and character work, and not just the fact that the laughs got raunchy.—BK
Jul 15, 2011
But at least they have Pantone as their safety corporation.
I admit, the title had me thinking he created the book using his iPad, but frankly the book would only have been slightly more astounding if he had.—JS
These guys think humans' reasoning ability evolved mainly to win arguments, not to home in on hard facts. So, if they convince people of this, does it make their theory true or false?—JS
There are plenty of 2012 voters who want to vote for "Anybody But Obama" – if Bachmann gets the nomination, she'll test their resolve.—JS
Jul 14, 2011
A comprehensive oral history of Friday Night Lights.—JM
Chuck Klosterman argues that out of the consensus "four best television shows of the past 10 years" – The Wire, The Sopranos, Mad Men and Breaking Bad – Breaking Bad is actually the best of the bunch. Chuck Klosterman also makes a lifelong enemy of anybody who's ever seen Friday Night Lights by not including it in the group... but that's sort of beside the point.—JM
Jul 13, 2011
Oh please oh please oh please let there be a Step Brothers 2.—BK
Jul 12, 2011
Manufactured stardom is gross, but this is a pretty interesting comparison between pop stars and politicians.—TG
Proof that the phrase "too sexy to be stopped" makes any piece of writing 10% funnier.—TG
Jul 11, 2011
Stock market-style analysis of Bateman's movie career, and whether he can open a movie. Come on, Horrible Bosses and The Change-Up – the Arrested Development movie might hang in the balance!—BK
Jul 8, 2011
Helping you connect and share with the people in your life even when none of you is exactly sure why.
She's often a punch line, but this 11-year-old piece is still the best I've read on this topic. One gets the sense the scenario remains largely unchanged over all that time – except more bands make their own labels and deal directly with iTunes.—JS
This is an interesting story about our overreliance on technology, but it only left me wishing for an iPhone app to match me with interesting, talkative cabbies.—JS
Jul 7, 2011
Beer led to agriculture, which led to civilization, which led to pretty much everything. All hail beer!—JM
I found this rumination on political philosophy by Googling, on an absolute whim, a particularly silly line from a years-old episode of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" that I'd just watched in reruns. God bless the internet.—JM
Let us not lament that "Party Down" existed for but a pair of all-too-brief seasons on the pay-cable wasteland that is the Starz network. Let us simply celebrate that it existed at all.—JM
Jul 6, 2011
I don't agree with everything written here, but it's an honest and interesting discussion with good points on both sides, and you can't go wrong with that.—BK
Because of plummeting DVD sales, studios are scaling back budgets and looking for stuff that plays internationally, like physical comedy and animals. Suddenly I understand why Anchorman 2 has had such a hard time getting off the ground.—BK
Jul 5, 2011
On whether or not the exclamation point is "appropriately sprightly" punctuation when used in e-mail.—TG
If anyone needs me, I'll be writing about the miserable sunburn I got this weekend.—TG
Jul 4, 2011
Wonderful look at some of the scenes you don't see in Waiting for Guffman.—BK
Jul 1, 2011
Well, it's no Freddy Got Fingered, that's for sure.
Rare is the poll or focus group that feels like it represents me, but when I heard that Facebook's user satisfaction was on par with the IRS, I had to smile. I hope Google+ catches on; it'll be great to have another option.—JS
Nothing not to like in that list. Mullally blew my socks off sitting in for Dave Letterman during his surgical recovery – she deserves more credit than she got for elevating any part of Will & Grace above its writing and awful leads.—JS
Take this quiz to find out whether or not you're a total badass.—TG
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