5 Writing Tips for the People Who Send Me Death Threats
It's always helpful to read tips on writing, and I'm guessing our Poop Reading audience sends more death threats than the average person.—TG
May 31, 2011
It's always helpful to read tips on writing, and I'm guessing our Poop Reading audience sends more death threats than the average person.—TG
A short but brilliant trip from conception to birth.—TG
May 27, 2011
And you thought Jeopardy was tough.
This is like that YouTube guy who reviews the Star Wars prequels: batshit insane, but very entertaining nonetheless.—JS
Or, why climate change deniers and vaccination avoiders aren't that different from Rapture believers. (At least not if you believe these studies on the subject.)—JS
May 26, 2011
When "Think of the children!" hysteria runs up against "Think of the children!" hysteria.—JM
This will probably be one of the few links I put up that deals with a lingerie fashion line, but the line's creators – the Myers sisters – are friends of the family, so why not?—JM
May 25, 2011
Great profile of Galifianakis, but the best part is the growing non-sequiturism of the "related" links that Time adds in their printable version of the article (which is the only way to read the whole thing on one page), which leads to Michael Bolton being associated with "a guy that looks like a rapist on a onesie."—BK
The creator of Bob's Burgers, currently the best show in Fox's Sunday night animation lineup.—BK
May 24, 2011
A lively debate about changes in grammar rules? Yes, please!—TG
I strongly disagree with most of the conclusions he draws, but I remain fascinated by the economic strength of North Dakota.—TG
May 23, 2011
Congratulations to Michael Schur and Parks and Recreation on a fantastic season of TV. (Oddly enough, contains two spoilers for The Shield and The Sopranos.)—BK
May 20, 2011
Don't worry – everyone who's left behind gets a free small Enchirito® at Taco Bell!
On the eve of Louie's second season, a profile of Louis C.K., his processes and prospects.—JS
Holy shit, brain science is fascinating. I honestly don't know why you'd study anything else.—JS
May 19, 2011
Reading about all this Schwarzenegger stuff is like eating junk food; I know it's really bad for me, but it's so tasty...—JM
"Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" was not a good TV show, but recently the "cast and crew" of the late, unlamented program have all begun Tweeting as if the show-within-the-show was actually real. And still on the air. This might be the greatest idea anybody has ever had.—JM
May 18, 2011
From the BP disaster to the NASCAR Hall of Fame to the season finale of Lost (and more!), enjoy some of our favorite jokes from one year ago.
Some great insight into the inner workings of 30 Rock. And some additional insight into how much he hates brunch.—BK
Short and hilarious, like Danny DeVito.—BK
May 17, 2011
Farewell to the Hall of Famer, Minnesota Twins legend, and gentleman. (And for some of us, comedic inspiration in a can.)—BK
Blake Eskin discusses old-timey squeamishness about f-bombs. I met him last week; he's the kind of guy who would never tell you to go fuck yourself, but he'd defend your choice to say it so long as you were being smart and funny.—TG
Rainn Wilson described this on Twitter as an "interesting, pointless article." Sign me up!—TG
May 16, 2011
I want to see Everything Must Go, but what I'd really like to see – much like Ferrell himself – is Paramount giving a green light to Anchorman 2.—BK
May 13, 2011
You might want to do some stretches first.
A last-minute substitution for today's original #1 link, which will have to cool its heels until sometime next week, dig?—JS
I have a daughter named Daphne Mulder, and both of her names are mentioned in the second paragraph of this article. In the context of "Frasier" and "The X-Files"... but still.—JM
It always feels good to bash movie studio execs, and it's nice to have a scapegoat for one's subtle, innate racism. Win-win!—JS
May 12, 2011
Before the basketball season I polled my Facebook friends, asking whether I was allowed to disavow the Minnesota Timberwolves (and nobody argued that the Timberwolves didn't deserve it) and become an Oklahoma City Thunder fan. My Facebook people voted "no." The bastards.—JM
They don't really say that. But read this if you want some behind-the-scenes scuttlebutt on the pair's transcendent Broadway musical "The Book of Mormon."—JM
May 11, 2011
Look, these windows of gobs of Albert Brooks links don't come along very often, so I've gotta link while the linking's good.—BK
May 10, 2011
The Lakers exhibited an incredible lack of class and sportsmanship in quitting on their fans and their coach. Does it tarnish the entire Phil Jackson legacy? Probably not, but, still... geez.—JM
PoopReading.com's Tenessa Gemelke is unable to post links today, so I gladly offer this Citizen Kane-themed link at her behest.—JM
May 9, 2011
A few fun peeks at the content of the book and the brilliant comic mind behind it.—BK
A player's suicide sheds more light on the lasting health effects of a career in football, and the NFL's shameful care of its retired players.—JS
May 6, 2011
Get out there and live life, because you never know when you might get shot in the face by Navy SEALs while hiding out in your secret, fortified compound in Pakistan.
In-depth look at the father of sabermetrics, his fascination with serial killers, and his new book about it.—JS
Turning to the lighter side, Raftery explains how AFV survives in the YouTube age and always will. We at PoopReading.com sure hope so! (And, Joe, I'll need to see that "torrents of vomit" clip.)—JS
Sure, cursive serves little purpose - even less if all you do is text - but I remember the excitement of being old enough to learn cursive in school. (Then again, if my name were Zezima, I'd probably hate it, too.)—JS
May 5, 2011
If you take a dispassionate look at this list from a sociological standpoint, it does make the exercise seem a bit less unseemly.
Heh. That one guy's name is "Smallwood."—JM
"Rot in a state of nonexistence, Bin Laden" isn't quite as catchy, but you certainly don't have to believe in hell to believe that Bin Laden got what was coming to him.—JM
May 4, 2011
Very excited to read his new novel, but I hope this doesn't signify an end to his screenwriting and directing career.—BK
Sex can relieve stress, improve sleep, burn calories, reduce pain, ease depression, strengthen blood vessels, boost the immune system, and lower the risk of prostate and breast cancer. Finally, some motivation for slogging through the awful drudgery of having sex!—BK
May 3, 2011
Most wars have a beginning and an end. Is the "war on terror" an exception, or can Osama Bin Laden's death mark the end of an era?—TG
Obviously this is insane. But it's also a really fascinating discussion-starter about the post-labor economy. What will work be like when we have robots for everything (including the manufacture and maintenance of robots, and defense against robot uprisings)?—JS
May 2, 2011
Uh, at least three of the contributors to this site, for starters.—BK
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