Halloween Activities That Sound Like Sexual Euphemisms
You'll never look at an Oh Henry! the same way again.
Oct 29, 2010
You'll never look at an Oh Henry! the same way again.
Debunking poisoned candy and kiddie-fiddlers in the age of hysterical media. Let's have a sane weekend, shall we?—JS
Airlines speaking publicly against redundant, knee-jerk TSA policies? Maybe, just maybe a step toward restoring sanity.—JS
Oct 28, 2010
I feel like Mark Steyn could sit down and talk about this with Adam Carolla for like twelve straight hours until both of their heads exploded. Any Californian knows all about this topic, undoubtedly.—JM
TV's best-ever show began its last-ever season on DirecTV last night. Relive the best moments... but only if you've seen them already, because spoilers abound.—JM
Oct 27, 2010
According to producer (and former Kids in the Hall writer) Norm Hiscock, NBC still hasn't revealed where exactly P&R is going to air when it returns mid-season, a situation made even more ridiculous by the fact that they just picked up that steaming turd pile Outsourced for a full season. Is this any way to treat the show this very site rated the third-best of 2009-10?—BK
Ratings are down on Thursday nights. I'm choosing to see this as a protest over the absence of Parks and Recreation.—BK
Oct 26, 2010
Equal parts frank and silly–just the way I likes 'em.—TG
I'll admit I'm a sucker for the "It Gets Better" campaign, but this is a genuinely unique angle from someone I love.—TG
Oct 25, 2010
An interview with Bob Gale? How often do you see that? Did somebody use a flux capacitor to go back in time and make this happen?—BK
Oct 22, 2010
Surely you can't go wrong founding your business model on the assumption that Americans will read more books.
(I.e., exercises his right to refuse the backscatter scan.) I've heard theories that if we all followed this hero's example, the resulting snarl would force a rollback of the more arcane security procedures – but if obscene delays were likely to make that point, wouldn't it be made already?—JS
If I had a name as awesome as Mac Montandon, I probably wouldn't notice the spelling of lesser words like "pizazz" or "non-sequitur" either. (Though, admittedly, Montandon got a few more words right than this guy.)—JS
Oct 21, 2010
Once you go Michael Ian, you never go back.—JM
I suspect that Adams himself didn't actually pick the headline for this piece; it's actually about how to write humor in general.—JM
Oct 20, 2010
I am truly sorry this link is being posted late today. (According to the article, I was more likely to apologize to you because you are strangers, but less likely because I am a man. And consider yourself lucky we aren't married or related...)—BK
Oct 19, 2010
I still remember when the concept of fractals broke my brain. Here's a look at the man responsible.—TG
This is the most helpful archive of food reviews in the history of helpful archives of food reviews.—TG
Oct 18, 2010
Rubicon just completed its excellent first season on AMC, and executive producer Bromell talks about how he came on board to run the show after the creator left, and the brilliance of Michael Cristofer. (Contains spoilers, especially if you've never watched the show.)—BK
Oct 15, 2010
Sadly, it's still preferable to being delayed in an airport terminal.
Showing your dick now gets a special tsk-tsk from the ratings board, thanks to Sasha Baron Cohen and Johnny Knoxville. (Shooting a guy's dick off? Same ol' PG-13.)—JS
More parents should try this as an income stream. Perhaps instead of saying "da-da," most babies are saying "Dada."—JS
Oct 14, 2010
Simmons "broke" the story of the Randy Moss trade by accidentally tweeting when he was trying to send a direct message to somebody. I'm not sure how, but maybe Brett Favre could use something like that as an excuse...—JM
But let's not stop trying!—JM
Oct 13, 2010
In anticipation of Thursday night's live episode of 30 Rock, here's an interview with executive producer Robert Carlock about that live episode. (Contains a few mild spoilers.)—BK
This doesn't happen often, but here's some literal poop reading: a look at how bowel movements are a hidden (and sometimes not-so-hidden) part of sports.—BK
Oct 12, 2010
Really? People are talking about The Simpsons again? Okay, I'll bite.—TG
I've never watched The Bachelor or Weekend at Bernie's 2, but I found this delightful.—TG
Oct 11, 2010
Posnanski feels that the reluctance to use more instant replay and the high-profile blown calls this postseason are beginning to hurt the legitimacy of the game. Can't say I disagree. (And I'm not saying that as a bitter Twins fan; they didn't need the umpires' help to lose.)—BK
Oct 8, 2010
Nobody wants a crack baby, but where is the next generation of reality TV stars going to come from?
Sausalito, CA, has a population of approximately 7,500. Some otters can grow to a length of six feet. (If that title didn't already grab you, I'm forced to assume you only like to read boring things.)—JS
Oct 7, 2010
Let's all focus on the amazing no-hitter shall we, instead of the fact that the Twins have now lost 10 consecutive playoff games (and possibly 11 by the time you read this)?—JM
Oct 6, 2010
If you've been hoping Running Wilde might have the potential to be another Arrested Development, the first paragraph (and pretty much the entire rest of the interview) will crush those dreams into dust. Sigh.—BK
Research confirms what you might have already suspected: for baseball batters, the difference between hitting .299 and .300 is a huge motivator.—BK
Oct 5, 2010
I'm not sure if everyone loves Pee-wee Herman, but I still do.—TG
You mean you've been getting paid more than a shiny nickel each Tuesday? Screw you!—TG
Oct 4, 2010
As a compliment to (or perhaps in reaction to) The Social Network, here's a lengthy profile of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.—BK
Oct 1, 2010
But not into space. That's a whole other deal.
A tough read in light of Giraldo's untimely passing, but a window into the sort of forces that impel a great artist.—JS
No, it's not the pitch for the dullest Tony Scott movie ever – but it's kind of interesting: I had no idea there was only one operating zeppelin left in America. (Damn Obama!)—JS
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