Movie Draft: The New Land
The New Land? More like The Booooo Land. ["I was saying Booo-urns Land."]
Feb 29, 2012
The New Land? More like The Booooo Land. ["I was saying Booo-urns Land."]
I love a good metaphor when it comes to tech industry topics. Honestly, I really do.—JS
Feb 28, 2012
The original Man of Steel, Christopher Reeve, is both quadriplegic and dead. You'd still have more fun spending two hours with him than watching this movie.
If the headline isn't enough to convince you to click on this link, I'm not sure how a pithy blurb is going to help.—BK
Feb 27, 2012
If you know Penn & Teller, you know Teller never speaks. If you really know them, you know it's always fascinating when he does.—JS
Feb 24, 2012
At least it's more civilized than the barbed wire steel cage match they use to decide the winners at the Latin Grammys.
Is it possible to mine an iota of excitement from this year's Oscars? Is Rooney Mara the name of a female person? Can a chat room transcript still make for captivating reading even if nobody in it is impersonating a 15-year-old girl? We aim to answer all these questions with a hearty "Indeed, sir!"
Any Oscar that Warrior doesn't win is an Oscar that goes to the wrong person. Well, except maybe costume design. The guys in Warrior mostly just wore fighting trunks.
Feb 23, 2012
Some interesting thoughts on the structure of TV episodes and their relationship to the season and the series. You could actually throw How I Met Your Mother into the list of offenders, these last few seasons.—JS
An interesting counterpoint. What an age we live in, that TV is worthy of such lengthy and satisfying discussion!—JS
Feb 22, 2012
Some of the analysis falls flat, but the background info on the production of this classic episode of The Simpsons is worth reading.—BK
Feb 17, 2012
It's a truly Jeremcredible story.
A truncated synopsis of this Pulitzer Prize-winning piece has been making its way around Facebook the last few days. I'm not sure why. But, now you can read the real thing.—JM
The more I'd try to explain this, the less funny it would sound. But it's funny. Definitely read it. Eddie Izzard is great.—JM
This is creepy and crazy and fascinating.—TG
Feb 16, 2012
On the heels of last night's season premiere, an exhaustive primer from a writer to use to recap the show for—JM
You should read Drew Magary's "Funbag" column in Deadspin every week. I probably won't link to it every week, but you should read it every week.—JM
Feb 13, 2012
"Ricky Rubio has the vision of a hawk and the visage of a muppet." Best. Caption. Ever.—BK
Feb 10, 2012
What could go wrong with a homemade "I Love V.D." T-shirt?
As someone who enjoys seeing movies in the theatre so much more than at home, I know this man's lament. It is nearly impossible to watch an entire movie without at least one jackass trying to ruin it, and the anxiety that someone might is enough to curtail my viewing by about 90%, much to my dismay.—JS
Feb 9, 2012
With 30 Rock now in syndication, it has been interesting to re-watch the early episodes and see how much the show has changed over time, and lately, not for the better. Holmes's analysis speaks to that recent change.—BK
Feb 6, 2012
It's difficult to endorse something French, but it's even more difficult to argue with this article.—TG
A sane and reasonable approach to the hubbub over movie piracy. Interesting that nobody mentions iTunes, since it's closer than Netflix to the ideal solution that's being proffered.—JS
Feb 3, 2012
Guess you should've gone to that National Weatherperson's Day party instead.
A pretty fascinating look at the rapid fallout.—TG
The details behind the infamous Rutgers University webcam incident, reported with remarkable depth and nuance.—BK
Feb 2, 2012
We could all probably use just a tiny bit more Ken Jennings in our lives.—JM
Feb 1, 2012
From Derek Jeter's contract to Santa's naughty list to New Year's resolutions (and more!), enjoy some of our favorite jokes from one year ago.
The part about the trap shooter? That's totally me when I play Nintendo Wii bowling.—JM
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