Newsweek's Oscar Roundtable Reveals Actors' Private Parts
Ignore the terrible headline and enjoy the discussion, which was always one of my favorite features back when I actually had a subscription to Newsweek.—BK
Jan 30, 2012
Ignore the terrible headline and enjoy the discussion, which was always one of my favorite features back when I actually had a subscription to Newsweek.—BK
Jan 27, 2012
You can't spell "State of the Union" without "uneaten fish toot."
John Tyler, our 10th president, was born in 1790. Two of his biological grandsons live among us today. And amazingly, this story contains no references to zombification.—JM
Jan 24, 2012
Helpful perspective on how impossible it is to "enjoy every minute" of parenting.—TG
Jan 20, 2012
Watch out, John Wilkes Booth – you're about to get Italian Jobbed!
An interesting take on the controversy of the week, in Maddox's typical opinionated but well-reasoned style.—JS
Jan 19, 2012
"[A]nother of the things about Bobs: they choose to transform their given name of Robert into 'Bob,' and in so doing enter Bobhood of their own accord." That might be the best thing anybody's ever written.—JM
"We were told there was a list out there that detailed typical behaviors for children based upon their age. Two-year-olds will throw things. Five-year-olds will break things." My kids are five and two, and... yep.—JM
Jan 16, 2012
Yeah... there's nothing wrong with the way health care is administered in this country.—JS
Jan 13, 2012
Namin' ain't easy.
Zounds! I'm a little embarrassed I haven't read any of these before, but I'm even more excited that I have all of them still in front of me. I may hold off reading them another six months or so, just to bask in the anticipation! (Also, how is Baron von Funny not on this list?)—JS
I like Gervais, but I do find myself wishing he'd just stop talking about the damn Golden Globes already.—BK
Jan 12, 2012
Would it be worth it to be Michael Jordan? To end up as a bitter old dick due to the same competitive fire that made you great? (That's a rhetorical question: of course it would be!)—JM
Some interesting new angles on the connection between emotions, lifestyle, and weight gain, along with some ideas for changing your personal habits.—BK
Rosen is an enlightening journalism critic, always worth reading. The "View from Nowhere" in reporting suffers the same problems as "teaching the controversy" in science class: it upholds the mistaken notion that every idea has an equally valid counter-argument. —JS
Jan 11, 2012
The most exhaustive and fascinating account I've ever read of anything I just became dimly aware of two days before.—JS
This conversation is about two years late, in my opinion, though it's well executed in this case. But the reality is that sitcoms don't tend to age well after eight seasons, and that's where The Office is right now.—BK
Jan 10, 2012
The actor, who so brilliantly portrays Ron Swanson, will make his writing debut later this season. Is there anything the man can't do?—BK
Jan 9, 2012
Exhaustive photographic documentation of how fast food purchases stack up against the pictures they're advertised with.—JS
Jan 6, 2012
Looks like someone's drunk on power... and significant amounts of homemade corn liquor.
Jan 4, 2012
There might be a blackout; better Google everything ahead of time just in case you want to look it up later.—JS
Jan 3, 2012
It's sad when the answers are so obvious and nobody does anything about it. But it's becoming remarkably familiar (see also: Congress, NBC, BCS).—JS
Jan 2, 2012
When we're tempted to gripe about corporate greed, the answer usually comes back: "They can't help it; the sole purpose of a corporation is to create shareholder value." Turns out, that's just a theory (like "evolution", or "the sun").—JS
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