Rejected Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Flavors
Maybe they'd be good enough for those jerks over at Häagen-Dazs.
Apr 30, 2010
Maybe they'd be good enough for those jerks over at Häagen-Dazs.
Even if you won't take anyone else's word for it that the latest airport security screening technology is a useless waste of money, you've got to believe the guy running airport security in Israel. Israel!—JS
The Welsh rugby star came out recently, and the response was almost exclusively positive. I believe it would be so in the United States as well, at least among fans and the media. American sports has no one to blame, then, but the athletes themselves.—JM
Apr 29, 2010
Apparently, most retailers specifically forbid employees from preventing theft. You know, things in this country didn't used to be perfect (pervasive racism, women being relegated to second-class status, etc.), but I feel like "stopping a robber from committing a crime" didn't used to be grounds for termination.—JM
Freezing out the press might seem like a weird strategy for the Obama administration, but, I mean, what are any of the jilted reporters going to do? Not vote for him? Seems unlikely.—JM
Apr 28, 2010
As you might expect, loads of praise for Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, but the best part is the candid honesty about the worst movie he's ever appeared in.—BK
Extolling the many virtues of Catherine Keener, including the fact that her preference for privacy can make it difficult to write a magazine feature extolling her many virtues.—BK
Apr 27, 2010
Sorry to go back to the Cracked well so soon, but I had no idea a) Betty White hosted SNL or b) this was why. What?!—JS
All right, admittedly I haven't had time to read this entire piece yet, but with a title like that, how can it not be intriguing?—JS
Apr 26, 2010
Nice look at how baseball is evolving in the post-steroid era. (Hat tip, Matt K.)—BK
Apr 23, 2010
As it you didn't already have your hands full dealing with the side effects from your Savella.
A look at insane film director Terrence Malick and the two obsessive producers whose decade-long quest brought The Thin Red Line to the screen. (If you ask me, they needn't have bothered, but obviously people feel otherwise.)—JS
A nice recap of the Tonight Show situation, a plausible George Lopez reenactment, and a Pimpbot shout-out. Basically, everything the Internet needs.—JS
Apr 22, 2010
Long Bill Simmons article about sports (the NFL draft, specifically). Pretty much the reason this website exists.—JM
Apr 21, 2010
Fey talks about comedy, her new hit movie Date Night, and, of course, Poop Reading favorite 30 Rock.—BK
Articles about Adam Scott? That's a linkin'. Articles about Party Down, Parks and Recreation, or Step Brothers? That's a linkin'. Articles that feature Adam Scott talking about his work in Party Down, Parks and Recreation, and Step Brothers? Ohh, you better believe that's a linkin'.—BK
Apr 20, 2010
If he is real, he may be planning to go again.—JS
A Hulu app coming for iPad? Why again was leaving Flash off the device such a terrible idea?—JS
Apr 19, 2010
More than in the past, as they find new ways to contribute to the look and feel of a show, especially with ambitious, larger-scale dramas like Lost and Mad Men.—BK
Apr 16, 2010
Sure, there's the job security, the power, the prestige... but what about the really important stuff?
Can an athlete really be "hot," or "in the zone?" Science doesn't seem to think so. Oh, science. Must you ruin all of our fun?—JM
Not the typical kind of link we do, this one is a website itself, not a specific piece. But it'll blow your mind!—JM
Apr 15, 2010
A nice intro to the sort of words that make your language sound interesting.—JS
A great sum-up of the deal's short-term letdown and long-term potential.—JS
Apr 14, 2010
Great profile of Sarah Silverman and her new memoir, The Bedwetter.—BK
These arguments against taxpayer-funded sports stadiums have been made before, and I agree with them... in theory. But in practice, I am in a frenzy of anticipation for my first trip to Target Field next week, and would step over my own mother to get there.—BK
Apr 13, 2010
A love letter to the stadium and the team, and from a national columnist, no less. It's a good day to be a Twins fan, folks.—JM
Brilliant concept, hits every nail on the head – including overstaying its own welcome with a wrongheaded, ass-backwards final entry. Very meta, boys; I love it.—JS
Not to turn this into a game of "this blurb by a long-dead genius encapsulates my worldview," but I wasn't looking for this and I stumbled across it – that must be a sign, right? (Plus, it's agony looking for decent links.)—JS
Apr 12, 2010
Good, but not as good as it could have been if Smithers had truly sought out the most elite MLB players at that particular point in time. (Best use of advanced baseball statistics EVER.)—BK
Speaking of advanced baseball statistics, Simmons is now on board with them.—BK
Apr 9, 2010
You're gonna want to start stocking up on apples.
Why she's a legend, and will continue enjoying her Lifetime Pass for years to come. (Hat tip, Michael effing McKean!)—JS
Apr 8, 2010
The piece itself doesn't really comport with the headline, and the author makes few, if any, salient points. Still, the "please for the love of God don't ruin March Madness" argument can't possibly be made often enough, so, here we are.—JM
91-year-old, 500-word poems aren't normally the kind of thing we feature here, but I haven't read anything in years that affected me like this and I really needed to share it. Honestly, from now on, if anybody ever wonders why I, personally, see the world the way I do, I can just direct them to this poem. I can't believe I just now read it; somebody should have shown this to me in high school.—JM
You hear that, people of Southern California? It's not my fault... it's science.—JM
Apr 7, 2010
"But once you try one, you won't be able to resist." The title and that line pretty much sum it up, huh?—BK
Meaty profile of two young, hopeful baseball superstars: Atlanta's Jason Heyward, who is currently in the majors, and Washington's Stephen Strasburg, who should be later on this season.—BK
Apr 6, 2010
The astonishing thing is, aside from being highly entertaining, it is actually pretty good advice. (Not that any advice on the subject is remotely useful.)—JS
She shares a birthday with me and Jason Bateman, and a crappy sitcom with Charlie Sheen and Jon Cryer. Now she's working on a tribute to Ann Richards. (Hat tip, Andy C.)—JS
Apr 5, 2010
Nice look at how baseball is embracing a new emphasis on fielding, even if its fans may not be so crazy about the idea.—BK
Apr 2, 2010
Celebrating nearly 20 years of making the Kansas City Royals and their fans feel better about themselves.
Certainly obstacles to firing them are entrenched, but considering the alternative, can we afford to keep ignoring the problem?—JS
Nice points about technology looking dated in movies, but my favorite part is referring to this year's onslaught of remakes as a pop-culture stop-loss program.—JS
Apr 1, 2010
A classic April Fool's Day article from back when people read magazines—MW
For those of you keeping track at home, I now lead all other contributors combined in links to articles dealing with the disputed authorship of Shakespeare's plays. The score is two to nothing.—JM
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