All Aboard the Butler Bandwagon
When your NCAA tourney pick goes down (yep, I had Kansas), it's time to start rooting for the lowest-seeded team left standing to wreak havoc on the rest of the field.—BK
Mar 31, 2010
When your NCAA tourney pick goes down (yep, I had Kansas), it's time to start rooting for the lowest-seeded team left standing to wreak havoc on the rest of the field.—BK
Includes the awesome Alan Alda 30 Rock/MASH joke, so it gets my seal of approval.—BK
Mar 30, 2010
Behind the scenes with Gerald Blanchard, the world's most ingenious thief.—JS
The screenwriter of Battlefield Earth and Robin Hood: Men in Tights faces the music about his awful transgression. (In this case, he's talking about Battlefield Earth.)—JS
Mar 29, 2010
Interesting look at, among other things, how the rapid growth of Carolla's audience created some distribution cost issues, and how that has him experimenting with ways to make podcasting profitable.—BK
Mar 26, 2010
He who gaffes last, gaffes best.
On the shifting landscape of Clint Eastwood's movie career.—JS
Oo! Everybody read it! (And by "everybody," I mean "writers of Lost.")—JS
The co-authors of The Invention of Lying explain the point of their movie as part of a series on faith. (Includes spoilers of a general plot-direction variety.)—JS
Mar 25, 2010
The NFL just ruined overtime, and the NCAA might just ruin their basketball tournament next year by expanding to 96 teams. But for now, while we can, let's revel in one last weekend when everything was as it should be...—JM
A new book – "Appetite For America," by Stephen Fried – sounds like it couldn't possibly be more up my alley. Father's Day isn't that far away, you know...—JM
A study of several Last Suppers painted over the last thousand years reveals that maybe The Cheesecake Factory isn't solely to blame for us all being so fat.—JM
Mar 24, 2010
From March Madness to unwanted Barbie dolls to Christian Bale's profane tirade (and more!), enjoy some of our favorite jokes from one year ago.
From last November, but the story is still interesting and, as an added bonus, now it's spoiler-free!—BK
Including a video starring Richard Belzer, Brian Doyle-Murray, a rowboat, and a hungry dog. I smell a sitcom pitch!—BK
Mar 23, 2010
His online comedy series sounds wild and surreal, with dozens of stars playing themselves. Certainly worth a look.—JS
Hm, I hate to parrot our anti-Leno arguments, but Coco has enough money. Maybe he should do the dignified thing and walk away.—JS
Mar 22, 2010
Posnanski gives his take on the Kansas Jayhawks' bracket-busting loss to Northern Iowa this weekend.—BK
Mar 19, 2010
And you thought it was hard enough just trying to live up to the existing ones.
"Just because we can doesn't mean we should" – sweet Jeebus, yes. And, while we're at it, let's discuss the definition of "can."—JS
Thorough, cogent, and surprisingly readable – gosh, it's fun to hate banks! (Plus, I linked to The Nation; I believe I win a Volvo.)—JS
Mar 18, 2010
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, where are you when we really need you?—JM
Christopher Hitchens preemptively weighs in on tomorrow's upcoming Baron von Funny with his own alternate Ten Commandments.—JM
"It is likely the case that your teenagers do not actually like the terrible music you hear during those brief moments when they take their ear buds out." So there's hope...—JM
Mar 17, 2010
Including Iron Man 2, Toy Story 3, and the latest from Christopher Nolan.—BK
Not in the Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind way, but rather with the help of medication and therapy.—BK
Mar 16, 2010
With HBO's Hanks-produced The Pacific taking to the airwaves, a look back at his role in chronicling the turning points of a nation.—JS
For an alternate look at history and the movies.—JS
I must've dozed off before these were handed out last Sunday. Nevertheless, I vote we give them all to Sandra Bullock.—JS
Mar 15, 2010
Long, thorough, interesting... I'd say he found it.—BK
Mar 12, 2010
You might find them preferable to screaming "Erin Go Bragh!" for five hours with a shirtless guy named Sully.
If you thought you'd seen everything Woody Harrelson would do with a dead person, you were wrong.
My friend Merrill has been at this a while now. Individual posts are a little short for our purposes, but with plenty of archives, you can customize to any length.—JS
Mar 11, 2010
Imagine Ocean's 12 meets Son of Oklahoma, only way shittier.
I personally would institute the death penalty for movie talkers if I was in charge, but shushing is a good tactic too.—JM
Mar 10, 2010
Moviegoers who see Once Upon a Time are not likely to live happily ever after.
Great point about how baseball writers and fans tend to romanticize and whitewash the behavior of past players while demonizing the players of the present.—BK
Not sure I agree with the conclusions (then again, I was predisposed to love Steve and Alec), but I heartily applaud the effort.—BK
Mar 9, 2010
Meryl Streep and Morgan Freeman... how can you possibly go wrong?
Mar 8, 2010
The first of five reviews of the films from the 2010 Movie Draft gives us Christopher Plummer and Stanley Tucci fighting over railroads and Penelope Cruz's heart.
Why we should stop pointing the finger of blame at Washington and instead point it at ourselves.—BK
Fischer talks all things Office (spoiler-free so long as you've watched last Thursday's episode).—BK
Mar 5, 2010
Looks like we gave up a little too quickly on that whole Pony Express idea, huh?
Pretty much the same list of predictions you can get anywhere else online, with a lot more crazed ranting about the meaninglessness of it all.
The article which inspired Boal to write The Hurt Locker, for which he earned an Academy Award nomination (and most people expect him to pick up the Oscar on Sunday).—JS
Okay, second-worst. Let's not forget Tarantino.—JS
Mar 4, 2010
I haven't seen any of the movies, which means my judgment will not – cannot! – be clouded. This is my year.
A long – long – retrospective of the legendary actor and director's work.—JM
Whether or not you follow the NBA – and I don't, really – this an interesting story.—JM
Mar 3, 2010
We did this last year and you shit your pants from its awesomeness. All we can say is, we hope you bought at least two new pairs of pants this year.
If you're not watching ABC's Modern Family, you really should be; it's easily among the best comedies on TV right now.—BK
Chad Moeller talks about some of the memorable pitchers he has caught during his 10-year career as a journeyman catcher.—BK
Mar 2, 2010
Brandon wants to shoot DVDs into space. Mike wants to shave Morgan Spurlock. Joe threatens to punch Jameson in the face. Jameson threatens to burn down the Internet. But in the end, the love is just too strong...
"Clever people are more likely to own cats than dogs," says a new study. I prefer this guys' conclusion: "Dog-lovers are good. Cat-lovers are morally indifferent or actively evil."—JS
If doctors will soon be able to print out a new kidney for an ailing kid, does that mean I'll also be able to print out a guilt-free veal chop?—JS
Mar 1, 2010
We conclude our look at the most overlooked by taking a look at Best Picture. Also, be sure to check back with us every day this week... we're about to go Oscar nuts at!
Ebert gives a thumbs up to the in-depth profile of himself that recently ran in Esquire Magazine.—BK
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