Lesser-Known Facts About Stephen Hawking
In some ways, you could say that guest-starring on The Simpsons was the least of his accomplishments!
Mar 16, 2018
In some ways, you could say that guest-starring on The Simpsons was the least of his accomplishments!
Nov 11, 2016
You didn't ask for an all-limerick NFL picks column, but you're getting one!
Nov 4, 2016
Naturally last week I picked my best week of the season not to select my five favorite games because I didn't "feel good about any of them."
Jul 15, 2016
Luckily, all the passive-aggressive e-mail hashing out the schedule for the timeshare he splits with the Easter Bunny is overwith by Memorial Day.
Feb 6, 2012
A sane and reasonable approach to the hubbub over movie piracy. Interesting that nobody mentions iTunes, since it's closer than Netflix to the ideal solution that's being proffered.—JS
Nov 11, 2011
The football picks are back! Not with a vengeance, by any stretch of the imagination... but they're back nonetheless.
Oct 24, 2011
That's an incendiary, overblown title. Of course it isn't! Come back!—JS
Oct 21, 2011
What's actually official is something any sane parent already knows: "everything in moderation". The real threat to baby's brain will be if I strangle him because I'm on zero sleep and haven't had a chance to relax with a little TV.—JS
Sep 22, 2011
Will you still view me as a credible critic after seeing The Glee Project on my list? I suppose that means you had to see me as credible in the first place, so there.
Aug 26, 2011
Really more like a list of ways not to. It's still an interesting read, though.—JS
Aug 8, 2011
Jesus Christ, yes. (Oh, were we talking about the general you?)—JS
Jun 17, 2011
Kind of gives you hope about the critical thinking skills of a generation, except: 1) why is there so much bullshit to begin with?; and 2) these aren't American kids, of course.—JS
May 3, 2011
Most wars have a beginning and an end. Is the "war on terror" an exception, or can Osama Bin Laden's death mark the end of an era?—TG
Apr 15, 2011
Compelling in-depth interview with The Wire creator David Simon, in part exploring the idea that fiction can relate the truth better than journalism can.—JS
Apr 11, 2011
His weighted scores for retiring original meanings of words is nice, but I prefer my proposal: convene an immediate tribunal anytime someone uses the word "nonplussed," with the possible outcomes being death or a large cash prize.—JS
Apr 1, 2011
If that's not a Will Ferrell movie waiting to be made, I don't know what is.—JS
Mar 22, 2011
SPOILER ALERT: There is no cure. But this does offer a little sympathy and perspective.—TG
Feb 11, 2011
No, it's not a guide to bickering on cable news shows. This is a fascinating write-up on cryptography (the art of encoded messaging), which will leave your head spinning for days. Enjoy the weekend!—JS
Dec 7, 2010
As a rule, I don't read stories about some lady's cat. This is a worthwhile exception.—TG
Dec 3, 2010
Think of the lives and money we'd save if we carried out more of our foreign policy objectives using worms instead of war.—JS
Oct 7, 2010
Let's all focus on the amazing no-hitter shall we, instead of the fact that the Twins have now lost 10 consecutive playoff games (and possibly 11 by the time you read this)?—JM
Oct 1, 2010
No, it's not the pitch for the dullest Tony Scott movie ever – but it's kind of interesting: I had no idea there was only one operating zeppelin left in America. (Damn Obama!)—JS
Sep 3, 2010
She's no Bill Bryson, but her books are nearly as hard to put down. They keep you entertained as they delve into unknown aspects of topics in general science.—JS
Aug 26, 2010
I love when people think you can learn stuff about society from watching reality TV. Because I certainly do, and always have.—JM
Jul 20, 2010
Ah, splendid. As New York does away with its infamous "rubber rooms" (though, oddly, retains the process that populated them), here's word that LA is having just as much trouble dismissing awful teachers for cause.—JS
Jul 6, 2010
Fascinating in-depth story about the death of marine trainer Dawn Brancheau at Sea World in February, incorporating the history of orca capture and captivity, sea parks, and the particular animal that took her down.—JS
Jun 25, 2010
Open defecation, the challenge of talking about poop, and one man's search for "the Angelina Jolie of toilets." (Hat tip, Mom.)—JS
May 28, 2010
Including a probability puzzle which will drive you as mad as the Monty Hall problem – honestly, what is wrong with these people?—JS
May 18, 2010
An excerpt from Bryson's forthcoming book, At Home. When Bryson puts out a book in which he digs deeper into things, you should go ahead and buy that book.—JS
Apr 27, 2010
All right, admittedly I haven't had time to read this entire piece yet, but with a title like that, how can it not be intriguing?—JS
Apr 20, 2010
If he is real, he may be planning to go again.—JS
Apr 2, 2010
Certainly obstacles to firing them are entrenched, but considering the alternative, can we afford to keep ignoring the problem?—JS
Mar 30, 2010
Behind the scenes with Gerald Blanchard, the world's most ingenious thief.—JS
Mar 5, 2010
The article which inspired Boal to write The Hurt Locker, for which he earned an Academy Award nomination (and most people expect him to pick up the Oscar on Sunday).—JS
Feb 12, 2010
Surprisingly interesting, detailed, and witty. (Also, "Testicond" would make a great name for a band – or a tablet computer.)—JS
Feb 5, 2010
Finally, a name for clever/perplexing headlines like Gator Attacks Puzzle Experts. (Let newspaper editors have their fun; they're a dying breed.)—JS
Jan 8, 2010
We can keep chasing terrorist tactics with more and more invasive security screening, but it won't make us any safer. (Colbert said it better in Tuesday's Wørd segment, but this isn't PoopVideo.com – at least not until 2015!)—JS
Jan 1, 2010
Our response to terrorism defines its effectiveness. I know I say that a lot, but it's only because we keep responding the wrong way.—JS
Chuck, Lost, Don DeLillo, and Tim Burton. The A.V. Club and I are definitely not looking forward to the same things this year.—JS
Dec 29, 2009
The numbers make it look staggeringly unlikely that you'll be aboard a flight on which an attack is attempted (not to mention successful) - yet fear reigns anyway. See how easy terrorism is?—JS
Dec 22, 2009
Why stop at just recapping one lousy decade, when there's all of time to encapsulate into pithy list form? (Don't miss The Ones We Lost.)—JS
Dec 15, 2009
Ha ha! Fun stuff.—JS
Dec 4, 2009
I'm not sure which of my beloved I feel more guilty for betraying with this link: my TiVo, my iPhone, or my girlfriend MaryBeth.—JS
Nov 27, 2009
I need a good week. I'm only one game above .500.
Nov 20, 2009
There's danger all around us. Danger that explodes with awesome destructive force.—JS
Nov 17, 2009
They actually give out awards for pharmaceutical ads, rather than holding the accountable parties at gunpoint until they promise to shut up and leave us all alone. What a world!—JS
Oct 30, 2009
They'll probably get under your skin a little, too.—JS
Oct 27, 2009
Dear Internet: I have now linked to every funny or fascinating item I can find or think of. Please come up with some new stuff. Thanks!—JS
As someone less determined and less disciplined than he used to be, I found a lot to appreciate in this essay.—JS
1) Cracked.com has a "Greatest Hits" section right on the home page, including this longtime favorite of mine; 2) I'm just back from a four-day vacation with virtually no time to scare up decent home page links; 3) Perfect storm.—JS
Oct 20, 2009
There's a pithy and interesting one-sentence explanation for the financial crisis – and, in a way, the perilous future of capitalism. And Calvin Trillin sucks all the fun out of it, as only he can.—JS
Oct 9, 2009
One of the best Cracked entries we've linked to (which is saying something). Manages to be funny while staying mostly "straight" (except for the photo captions). It just proves what I've always said: women aren't not funny.—JS
With one shameful exclusion: "The Mattel and Mars Bar Quick Energy Chocobot Hour".—JS
Oct 6, 2009
True stories behind the battle to put "naughty" words in dictionaries. (The language may get rough, but if you're offended by that sort of thing, I doubt you're on this page to begin with.)—JS
Oct 2, 2009
If you're headed to McDonald's and you're in the continental U.S., 145 miles is the farthest you'll have to drive.—JS
Sep 24, 2009
Basically, the state turns a profit off the stuff TSA won't let you take on planes. This article implies that dumb fliers are at fault for not knowing the rules, but I think those are outliers – the main issue is really dumb rules.—JS
Sep 8, 2009
A new book collects some of Gladwell's writing for the New Yorker. Since it's all free online, Kottke has organized a table of contents of links. Rather than pick one to link to, I'll let you pick.—JS
Aug 18, 2009
An older profile of prestidigitator, carny historian, and David Mamet repertory player Ricky Jay. But you'd be hard pressed to find a more fascinating subject, no matter what the year.—JS
The Chevy Volt sounds impressive, but we've been hearing about it for years – and other numbskull moves by the automaker we all partly own.—JS
Aug 7, 2009
Poe on plagiarism, punctuation, and God. (With some surprising sarcasm in the balance.) Get 'em, Eddie!—JS
Jul 21, 2009
Can a person just disappear? With the help of a former PI who knows the tricks, it's possible. (Just remember, the name Rory B. Bellows is already taken.)—JS
Jul 17, 2009
So, who does God kill when a kitten masturbates?—JS
Jul 14, 2009
This seven-parter is long (of course), but it winds through a fascinating spectrum of topics. Is a forgery less beautiful than the original? Is an artist's name more significant than his talent? Why do we sometimes want to be fooled by hucksters?—JS
Jul 10, 2009
There's always been a right way to hang the toilet paper roll; now there's scientific theory backing it up.—JS
Jul 3, 2009
Snapper, the lawn mower people, decided their brand would be better off not being associated with Wal-Mart, even though it meant turning away their millions of customers.—JS
Jun 30, 2009
Okay, admittedly this isn't nearly as funny on the page, but as you read it, just replay your memory of the sketch in your head. (Or, if you've never seen it, imagine something very funny.)—JS
Jun 19, 2009
Most of what we know is how much we don't know, but it's still fascinating when we get a little new perspective (on both).—JS
Jun 5, 2009
With solutions as easy as this, it's your own damn fault if you still have problems.—JS
Feb 9, 2009
After 24 years, they figure the "New Coke" debacle is erased from the cultural memory and we're ready to go back to basics.—JS
Jan 23, 2009
Normally on Fridays in this space you get an NFL picks column out of me. Such a column is significantly more difficult to put together when there is no NFL football being played, so I debut a new Friday feature. I hope you like it.
Dec 9, 2008
Good advice for Baron von Funny contributors. (Not really, but it's tops in unintentional hilarity.)—JS
Nov 25, 2008
Sure, it sounds a little farfetched. But he admits right up front that it isn't foolproof.—JS
Nov 18, 2008
It appears we're not exactly pulling in the cream of the crop when it comes to ad buys.
Nov 17, 2008
Is there such a thing as genius? Gladwell contends success is really a matter of hours and hours of hard work. The analysis is fascinating.—JS
Nov 5, 2008
Most UniWatch columns rely almost completely on clicking on links. This one, mostly an interview with the designer of the MLB logo, does not, making it ideal for our purposes.—JM
Oct 31, 2008
For those who'd like to avoid having their house egged and TP'd.
Oct 16, 2008
Yet another exposé of security theater at the airport pre-boarding screening.—JS
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