Pros and Cons of Dressing Up as Bigfoot
It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.
Aug 31, 2012
It's not a hobby, it's a lifestyle.
Aug 27, 2012
I've posted this twice before, but it's just so good. I think about the "Swiss Model" all the time. I think there'd be a lot less call to shrink/eradicate our government if it worked this efficiently and intelligently.—JS
Aug 24, 2012
He's learnding!
Aug 23, 2012
Eventually Deadspin will cover ever NFL team in their "Why Your Team Sucks 2012" feature, but I can only imagine it's a lot more fun when the team actually sucks.—JM
Well, allow me to retort!—JM
Aug 22, 2012
A delightful must-read. No matter which side you're on.—JM
Aug 17, 2012
Because we demand to know everything there is to know about a guy we never heard of a week ago!
Aug 13, 2012
Leitch wonders whether what we've learned about concussions and the long-term health damage they cause is making it ethically challenging to enjoy the sport.—BK
Aug 10, 2012
Get ready to indiscriminately shove more things into your food hole!
Aug 9, 2012
I'd never heard of these dipshits before this link popped up on Twitter, but now I am completely in love with them (or at least their grey ladybug boots). #fjm—JS
Aug 6, 2012
From the GOP candidates to unpopular cereals to the debt ceiling (and more!), enjoy some of our favorite jokes from one year ago.
As close as we're likely to get to a transcript or video of what sounds like a truly amazing set. If this link doesn't interest you, I'm pretty sure you're on the wrong site.—JS
"The happiest, most successful children have parents who do not do for them what they are capable of doing, or almost capable of doing; and their parents do not do things for them that satisfy their own needs rather than the needs of the child."—BK
Aug 3, 2012
Guess the bar was set too high by Equestrian Eventing.
A hacker took over the Facebook pages of several MLB teams on Thursday, with hilarious results.—BK
I thought becoming a parent would humble my persistent criticism of other parents just doing their best to get by, but no: it's still fun to jeer at parents who are doing their best and doing it wrong.—JS
Aug 2, 2012
This book never quite captivated me the way I hoped it would, but I'm nonetheless appreciative of its skill and craft.—JS
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