Things Overheard at the Royal Wedding
If you listen closely, you can actually hear the stuffiness!
Apr 29, 2011
If you listen closely, you can actually hear the stuffiness!
Anti-fun laws sure are awesome, aren't they? I'm sure this is the most important thing the Justice Department could be focusing on.—JS
A little more pondering on the subject of victimless crimes.—JS
Poignant, heartwarming stuff. I'm taking up skydiving and Russian Roulette in my 70s – in hopes of going quickly – but if that doesn't pan out, I hope it's something like this.—JS
Apr 28, 2011
The nerds have found a way in.—JM
Apr 27, 2011
Kids and sports and parenting. As always, Joe does an excellent job of making it personal and universal at the same time.—BK
Analyzing the politics of Parks and Recreation. Manages to walk that line between making interesting points and sucking the life out of the comedy.—BK
Apr 26, 2011
Are you a persnickety grammarian who writes for the web? Take heed.—TG
Listen to your wife when she says you stink.—TG
Apr 25, 2011
Talking Wet Hot American Summer as the movie approaches its 10th anniversary.—BK
Apr 22, 2011
Be careful what you vote for.
Constant contrarian Adams has been on fire ever since he ran afoul of the Internet Police earlier this week. This post in particular seemed apropos.—JS
I think about this type of thing constantly. I have no fear of death, but I fear that I'll miss out on some great movies that come out after I die.—JS
For those of us who couldn't be there, at least we have this recap to grip tightly in our fist as we curl up into a fetal ball.—BK
Apr 21, 2011
It's difficult to imagine on what grounds one could possibly oppose letting legal adults drink alcohol if they so chose, and yet 21 it remains.—JM
Are you sitting down? Christopher Hitchens is no great fan of the royal family. Although to be honest his main beef seems to be with the concept itself; he goes surprisingly easy (well, for him) on the Queen and her progeny.—JM
Apr 20, 2011
I love this idea. (Though I have to admit, you could shuffle numbers 11 through 38 anyway you want and it wouldn't really matter to me. I might quibble with the order of the Top 10, but I can't quibble with the choices.)—BK
There's growing research linking sugar not just to things like diabetes and obesity, but also to heart disease and cancer. I hope this one gets debunked, because I suspect I'd have better luck giving up breathing than giving up sugar.—BK
Apr 19, 2011
I intend to recite parts of this to myself for the rest of my life.—TG
Obviously, seeing him on my favorite show nearly sent me into a pleasure coma – turns out he was pretty shaky, too.—JS
Apr 18, 2011
As someone who grew up in the Midwest, then spent time on both coasts, then returned to the Midwest, everything in this article rings pretty true to me. Well, except for the stuff about clogs at the end.—BK
The Norm links just keep on coming. (And if you haven't checked out Sports Show, you really should.)—BK
If you're going to write an article about Britney Spears, it may as well be an interesting one. But, why write an article about Britney Spears?—JS
Apr 15, 2011
You want an event where you awkwardly slow dance in rented clothes under the supervision of your teachers to feel special.
Compelling in-depth interview with The Wire creator David Simon, in part exploring the idea that fiction can relate the truth better than journalism can.—JS
Publication of this link is intended only for readers of If it has been viewed by unintended parties, please destroy your copy of the link immediately. This label may not be removed except by the consumer, under penalty of federal law.—JS
I wish I could link to the first half of an article. The literary criticism is great, but the opening meditation on paperwork and the office drone is intriguing and delightful.—JS
Apr 14, 2011
As Kobe Bryant showed us this week, sports is basically the Western world's last bastion of anti-gay bigotry. I imagine it's even more difficult in professional wrestling circles...—JM
It seems like Finland has it more or less figured out... but it also seems like their approach might not work in places that are terribly different from Finland.—JM
Apr 13, 2011
Another helping of Norm? Yes, please.—BK
Apr 12, 2011
Caissie St. Onge is one of the most genuinely likable people on the internet.—TG
I love George R. R. Martin and Damon Lindelof, and they've both pissed me off with their masterpieces, but WHY ARE MOMMY AND DADDY FIGHTING?—TG
Apr 11, 2011
Old school, SNL-era profile of Tina Fey. (With a special guest appearance by Michael Schur!)—BK
His weighted scores for retiring original meanings of words is nice, but I prefer my proposal: convene an immediate tribunal anytime someone uses the word "nonplussed," with the possible outcomes being death or a large cash prize.—JS
Apr 8, 2011
You can't spell "reelect Obama" without "acrobat melee."
You have to overlook a very silly and obnoxious writing style, but it's worth it for this amazing profile of Fred Rogers.—JS
There's a case to be made for keeping 7-year-olds out of push-up bras and microminis, but launching your argument from "every woman I know regrets having sex before marriage" is so laughably out of touch it can only fall on deaf ears.—JS
After all, teens are apparently making more and more responsible choices about sex. Maybe these girls have a look-but-don't-touch policy? (That is if you trust this slut's analysis. That last name might as well say Harlot-Feminist!)—JS
Apr 7, 2011
Interesting stuff, although I'd submit that most of what's discussed could have – should have – been arrived at through common sense ages ago, as opposed to through advanced neurobiology now.—JM
You probably don't need to have seen all 40 of Woody Allen's feature films like the author – or even 27 of them, like me – to get something out of this.—JM
Apr 6, 2011
I really hope Sports Show turns out to be good. TV is better when there's some good Norm Macdonald comedy taking place on it.—BK
The saying goes: 50% of us are below average. But these days, it's starting to feel like a lot more than that.—JS
Apr 5, 2011
Teenagers often get a bad rap, but they are smarter than we think.—TG
This interview is a year old, but it's a good reminder that Paul Rudd should be running the show in Hollywood.—TG
Apr 4, 2011
It has definitely become a show worth watching. PoopReading contributor Jameson Simmons turned me onto it, so I'm just trying to pay it forward now.—BK
Not quite as glowing a review as I think it should be, but it does offer a solid introduction to the show and its characters.—BK
Apr 1, 2011
Up next: The Walking Dead with less zombies and more sexy singing teens.
Parker and Stone take aim at morons while aiming to respectfully skewer Mormons with their new Broadway musical. (Once or twice every five years, I wish I lived in New York. This is such a time.)—JS
If that's not a Will Ferrell movie waiting to be made, I don't know what is.—JS
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