The Surprising Toll of Sleep Deprivation
Having recently lost weight largely by improving my sleep habits, I have to say this article hits the nail on the head.—BK
Jun 30, 2010
Having recently lost weight largely by improving my sleep habits, I have to say this article hits the nail on the head.—BK
The list of things I miss about living in Southern California is small (friends, In-N-Out Burger, access to the mountains), but getting to listen to Vin Scully call a baseball game on a regular basis is definitely on there.—BK
Jun 29, 2010
Anniversary piece on the classic and influential Airplane!. (And, to makers of "direct hit" spoof movies that have taken that influence awry, Patton Oswalt explains the difference.)—JS
Thinking of giving your child a ridiculous, made-up name, or saddling your boy with a girl's name (or vice-versa)? This may have consequences beyond making you look like an asshole.—JS
Sounds like a plan.—JS
Jun 28, 2010
Far more tongue-in-cheek than the title might lead you to believe, it's a fun look at the trials and tribulations (and trials) of fathering young boys.—BK
Jun 25, 2010
Because if there's one thing slicker than oil, it's good spin doctoring.
Now that Smirnoff has tragically cut the sport down in its prime, some of O'Brien's alternatives should get some consideration.—JS
Open defecation, the challenge of talking about poop, and one man's search for "the Angelina Jolie of toilets." (Hat tip, Mom.)—JS
Jun 24, 2010
I say it's all temporary and soccer once again fails to catch on here (kind of like, how much televised swimming have you watched since Michael Phelps at the 2008 Olympics?), but for now it's all terribly exciting. And if this piece is any indication, Roger Bennett is the perfect man to help us enjoy it until our World Cup fever dies down (which could happen as early as Saturday afternoon).—JM
This piece about parenting makes me feel a little bit better about my occasional lapses into a more laissez faire (i.e., "Just play your computer game while Daddy finishes 'Last Comic Standing'") style of child-rearing.—JM
Jun 23, 2010
More than you thought you'd ever learn about two SNL scripts that will never get produced: Hans and Franz: The Girly-Man Dilemma and a Superfans movie.—BK
The story of Dandy, an offshoot of the Phillie Phanatic that proved to be pretty much his polar opposite in terms of popularity.—BK
Jun 22, 2010
If you're a reader of novels, that "somewhere" is "practically everywhere." Is it a narrative device, a way to pad the page count, or an in-joke – a literary Wilhelm Scream?—JS
Now that it's no longer useful as an entertaining prime time TV show, Glee could be useful as a teaching moment about the broken state of copyright law.—JS
Jun 21, 2010
Just a little taste of Paul Rudd, but even a tiny Rudd morsel brings plenty of long-lasting flavor.—BK
I can't say I agree with everything here, but it's an interesting read nonetheless.—BK
Jun 18, 2010
Why should soccer fans be the only ones to enjoy teeth-grinding aggravation and temporary hearing loss?
Worried your new iPhone may lead you down a path toward gadget-obsessed distraction? A set of tools can help you resist temptation and restore focus.—JS
Jun 17, 2010
Oh, soccer... is there anything you can't ruin?—JM
"They know you know they know you know."—JM
Jun 16, 2010
Yes, the new A-Team movie inspired the list, but no, it did not make the cut.—BK
Why baby boomers may prove to be a surprisingly receptive demographic for the iPad.—BK
Jun 15, 2010
Like with most things, I'm naturally inclined to blame Clinton and hippies. But in this instance, try as I might, I couldn't find a way to blame Clinton.
Lengthy, lengthy profile of Julian Assange, founder of whistleblower site – and a behind-the-scenes account of the recent release of its "Collateral Murder" video.—JS
Defending Steve Jobs against claims of exaggerated marketing-speak becomes a really interesting discussion on optics and the limits of human vision.—JS
Jun 14, 2010
This is one of those inspired ideas that makes you (well, alright, me) jealous: which current Major League Baseball player will be last former Montreal Expo to retire from the game?—BK
Jun 11, 2010
They flew too close to the sun on wings of buffalo.
What was Reggie Bush supposed to do, not be awesome at football? I don't get these NCAA thugs... you should've seen how mean they were to that poor kid from The Blind Side!—JS
Jun 10, 2010
I liked "Last Comic Standing" even back when it was bad, but now that it's good? And longtime favorite Andy Kindler is one of the judges? Come on.—JM
Pardon my French, but fuckin' A was this ever Emmy-worthy. Spoilers and embedded Hulu clips abound, so it's not ideal poop reading, but I posted this link anyway because you need to know how bad of a person you are for not watching this show.—JM
This is quietly the weirdest story in the recent history of American politics. And not by a little. By far.—JM
Jun 9, 2010
Now that it appears I am weeks away from purchasing my first iPhone, this sort of thing is a big fear lingering in the back of my mind.—BK
Jun 8, 2010
A look at a new documentary about the provocative and fascinating comedian.—JS
Insightful ideas about group-participation projects, like the spate of social media gamesphere dreck, but also a lot of well-deserved praise for one of the best shows on any medium ever.—JS
Jun 7, 2010
Last Comic Standing returns tonight – with the reality-competition tropes eliminated and Kindler at the judges' table, it might be worth watching again.—JS
Jun 4, 2010
Why couldn't Miley Cyrus have waited 100 years to publish her autobiography?
I like the optimism, that government could do a better job managing the disaster, or that Americans would believe it could. But what does Obama have to lose? Most people either blame him for the spill already, or assume he's plotting to take over every major company.—JS
Looking at the trailers, it seems the makers of the film know even less about it. (Speaking of The Phantom Menace, I finally watched this review – by Frank Conniff? – and recommend it highly.)—JS
Jun 3, 2010
Geez, P.J. O'Rourke is really mean. Still, pre-obituaries are a pretty good idea.—JM
There has never been a legitimate argument against the use of instant replay in sports, and now its absence has cost a young pitcher a perfect game and a good umpire the reputation it took a lifetime to build.—JM
Jun 2, 2010
Far from the best thing SNL has ever done, and admittedly a little dark and weird, but if you are a fan of Will Ferrell's exquisite talent for comic screaming, this is the sketch for you.—BK
A reminder that while we all make mistakes, some are far more regrettable than others.—BK
Jun 1, 2010
"Who has a deeper sense of fairness, a mortgage banker or a chimpanzee?" Try not to act surprised.—JS
Elizabeth Warren is quickly becoming my top write-in candidate for November – for every office.—JS
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