2016 Movie Draft
Remember when the Oscars happened? Like, months ago? Well, this happened too! And finally, we got our stuff together and got it published. Featuring extra-special contributions from Holly Moyer and Betsy Rosenblatt! Enjoy!
May 26, 2016
Remember when the Oscars happened? Like, months ago? Well, this happened too! And finally, we got our stuff together and got it published. Featuring extra-special contributions from Holly Moyer and Betsy Rosenblatt! Enjoy!
Feb 28, 2014
It's BAAAA-aaaack. Wait, that's a typo: it's back. Featuring special guest movie drafter Alicia Kirk.
Feb 22, 2013
Why just settle for rooting for Oscar-nominated actors when you can use them as pawns in your own diabolical chess game?
Feb 24, 2012
Is it possible to mine an iota of excitement from this year's Oscars? Is Rooney Mara the name of a female person? Can a chat room transcript still make for captivating reading even if nobody in it is impersonating a 15-year-old girl? We aim to answer all these questions with a hearty "Indeed, sir!"
Oct 17, 2011
It's just like our Movie Draft, but with twice the rules and half the fun. Oh dear lord, what have we done?
Sep 27, 2011
In which all of our lists, combined, tell you all you really need to know about what you should be watching.
Sep 22, 2011
Will you still view me as a credible critic after seeing The Glee Project on my list? I suppose that means you had to see me as credible in the first place, so there.
Feb 22, 2011
When is a Just Like Heaven ripoff just like Heaven? When I say so!
Feb 21, 2011
What were you going to do with the Oscars on Sunday – just watch them? We remixed the sumbitches! Welcome to the future!
Sep 21, 2010
If you don't watch these shows, you're bad and wrong.
Sep 16, 2010
Finally, a list that salutes the triumph of Becker reruns and live-to-tape coverage of professional bowling!
Mar 11, 2010
Imagine Ocean's 12 meets Son of Oklahoma, only way shittier.
Mar 3, 2010
We did this last year and you shit your pants from its awesomeness. All we can say is, we hope you bought at least two new pairs of pants this year.
Mar 2, 2010
Brandon wants to shoot DVDs into space. Mike wants to shave Morgan Spurlock. Joe threatens to punch Jameson in the face. Jameson threatens to burn down the Internet. But in the end, the love is just too strong...
Aug 27, 2009
Time to lay the hammer down, bitches!
Feb 18, 2009
The first of four reviews of the films from the 2009 Movie Draft brings us Robert Downey, Jr. on a quest for the truth about the 1969 moon landing.
Feb 17, 2009
Fire. Sliced bread. The automobile. Flight. Landing on the moon. These were some of mankind's greatest achievements. Until now.
Feb 12, 2009
While everyone debates which movie deserves to win at this year's Oscars, we take a look at who should have won in 2003. Be warned: the Academy's choices don't look any better in the long view.
Dec 16, 2008
Mmmmm, football good. Politics bad.
Mike Wagner is Poop Reading's only doctor; though if you and he are on the same airplane and you have a heart attack, he will only be able to recite voter statistics and partisan issue framing theory into your ear as you slowly die. He, his wife, and their daughters live in a state fraught with real Americans, though they live in a town so large that they and their neighbors are fake Americans.
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