Jun 5, 2015

You'd probably never heard of him a month ago, and you'll likely have forgotten him a year from now, but at the moment, FIFA president Sepp Blatter is in the news, and his name is always just on the tip of your tongue...

Ways to Mispronounce the Name of Resigning FIFA President Sepp Blatter

—Sorp Blaffer (Brandon)

—Scarf Blamer (Jameson)

—Sip Better (Dan)

—Step Ladder (Matt)

—Seppary Rodham Blatter (Joe)

—Soccer Football (Mike)

—Sock Batter (Brandon)

—Ab Blaster (Jameson)

—Strep Culture (Dan)

—Squirrel Banquet (Matt)

—Dwayne "The Sepp" Blatter (Joe)

—Police Blotter (Mike)

—Sick Bladder (Brandon)

—Stick Badder (Dan)

—2016 GOP Candidate Sepp Blatter (Jameson)

—Country Kitchen Organ Meats Platter (Matt)

—Sepptros-Sepptros Blatty (Joe)

—William Peter Blatty (Joe)

—Stool Blacker (Matt)

—Sheep Blogger (Brandon)

—Seth Bieber (Dan)

—Felj Pelliver (Jameson)

—Brett Favre (Joe)

—American Pharaoh (Mike)

—Sleep Shatter (Matt)

—Snorf Biggles (Brandon)

—Caitlyn Blatter (Jameson)

—Sasquatch Banter (Matt)

—Prisoner 24602 (Mike)

Baron von Contributors: Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Dan Lee, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner

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