Everybody knows and loves Santa Claus, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Frosty the Snowman, but there are plenty of other Christmas characters who simply never caught on with the public...
—Santa Barbara (Tenessa)
—Sexy Baby Jesus (Matt)
—We Three Sacramento Kings (Joe)
—Hoppy Holiday, the War On Christmas Rabbit (Dan)
—Mrs. Claus's Peruvian houseboy, Anjelo (Jameson)
—Herniated Disczen, the Reindeer on Workman's Comp (Brandon)
—The Uncle Who Gives Bibles For Christmas (Matt)
—The Great Rotten Pumpkin (Dan)
—Kris Pringles: The Santa You Can Eat! (Brandon)
—Ebenezer Splooge (Joe)
—Cecil, the Chimney Pooper (Matt)
—The Anatomically Correct Popcorn Ballz (Dan)
—Vanilla Ice (Tenessa)
—Median Height and Weight Tim (Matt)
—Missile Toes, the Christmas Transformer (Dan)
—Santa Clitoris, the main character in the adult film Stocking Stuffers (Brandon)
—The Elf on the Global-Warming-Ravaged Antarctic Ice Shelf (Joe)
—The Gooch (Matt)
—Greg Nog (Dan)
—The Ghost of Tony Kornheiser Present (Brandon)
—Dimitri, the Minister of Russian Gift Rationing (Matt)
—Congress (Dan)
Baron von Contributors: Tenessa Gemelke, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Dan Lee, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons
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