Sep 13, 2013

Most networks begin airing new programming for the 2013-14 TV season this month, but for every show that makes it on the air, there are dozens of other shows that never see the light of day, and many for good reason...

Rejected Pilots for the 2013 Fall TV Season

Survivor: Syria (Mike)

Tuba Poopers (Brandon)

CSM: Crime Scene Masturbators (Matt)

So You Think You Can Pitch a TV Pilot? (Jameson)

Stephen King's Dome-Adjacent (Joe)

America's Got Hairs (Tenessa)

The Ass (The celebrity-coached spin-off of The Voice where Anthony Weiner, Rush Limbaugh, and Russell Crowe help regular people develop into huge assholes.) (Mike)

Whaaaaaaaaaa'd You Say to Me, Bitch? (Matt)

Five Clueless Dads (Jameson)

Don't Touch That, It's Larry's! (Brandon)

Could a Monkey Do Your Job? (Mike)

Fox News Presents: You're Gay and I Know It! (Matt)

Five Clueless Dads on a Submarine (Jameson)

So You Think You Can Play Wide Receiver For the Patriots? (Joe)

Mork & His Second Wife, Linda (Mike)

Thomas Jefferson Marvels at Stuff Black People Are Allowed to Do (Matt)

Five Clueless Dads and the Clueless Dads Who Raised Them (Jameson)

You Gonna Eat That? (Matt)

Phonin' It In!, the daytime chat show hosted by the new iPhone (Jameson)

The Sedate, Contemplative Neighbor Who Minds His Own Business (Brandon)

Danny Glover's Definitely Gettin' Too Old for This $#!% (Matt)

Sarah: The Woman Who's More Independent Than She Thought She Was (Jameson)

Vladimir Putin's Fun-Time, Shirtless Variety Hour of Go to Fuck Yourselves, America, Show Is Over Now (Mike)

Baron von Contributors: Tenessa Gemelke, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner

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