Beyoncé Knowles and her husband Jay-Z had their first baby this week, a daughter that they chose to name Blue Ivy, with the last name Carter (Jay-Z's given name is Shawn Corey Carter). But that was not the only name in the running...
—Newest Single Lady (Mike)
—Jay Cougar Beyoncécamp (Joe)
—Sasha Franklin Pierce (Brandon)
—Wharrgarbl Alexiss (Jameson)
—Inanimate Carbon Rod (Tenessa)
—Smallie Biggs (Mike)
—Jay-B Girl (Brandon)
—Cartyr Kartir (Jameson)
—Lay-Z (Joe)
—Destiny's Child (BOOM! That just happened!) (Mike)
—Bat Masterson (Brandon)
—Remake Get (Jameson)
—Careless Whisper (Tenessa)
—Babe-Z, Featuring Beyoncé and Jay-Z (Mike)
—LemmehearyasayWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT Kensington (Brandon)
—Stripper Name (Jameson)
—Boutros Boutros-Ghal-Z (Joe)
—DNA Goldmine (Mike)
—Qwikster (Brandon)
—Nevermind HereSheIs (On the off chance the child goes missing, this lightens a very tense 911 call by making it into an Abbott & Costello routine.) (Jameson)
—The 100th Problem (Mike)
—Göring Himmler Goebbels (Brandon)
—Hotbox Fannywhisker (Jameson)
—Jay-Tebow (Mike)
—Hobgoblin Mustafa (Brandon)
—Turducken Inspektor (Jameson)
—Friday Gemelke Lee. Oh, wait. That was me. (Tenessa)
—Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop (already taken) (Jameson)
—Gary (Mike)
Baron von Contributors: Tenessa Gemelke, Brandon Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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