Sep 16, 2011

The major networks started airing new programming for the 2011-12 TV season this week, but for every show that makes it on the air, there are dozens of other shows that never see the light of day, and many for good reason...

Rejected Pilots for the 2011 Fall TV Season

Two and a Half Manatees (Brandon)

Gay Guys Who Speak In Quiet, Indistinct Voices and Never Say Anything Outrageous (Joe)

The Comedy Central Roast of 9/11 First Responders (Mike)

Law & Order: HPV (Jameson)

The Science of Boobs (Matt)

So You Think You Can Out-Crazy Michele Bachmann? (Mike)

Watered-Down Network Version of Mad Men (Oh, wait... none of those pilots were rejected) (Joe)

Lt. Dr. Rick Fiero, Esq., the Doctor Cop Who's Also a Lawyer! (Jameson)

Things We're Pretty Sure Gary Busey Would Eat In A Pinch (Matt)

If You'll Shit There, We'll Give You a Million Dollars (Mike)

Does This Look Infected to You? (Brandon)

Coattails: An Oprah Winfrey Production (Joe)

Gender Reassignment Surgery with the Stars (Jameson)

$h*! I Do To Your Pillow While You're At Work (Matt)

Mad Women (Am I right, ladies?) (Mike)

Jim Belushi Comes to Your House and Won't Leave (Brandon)

The Deadly Animals and Special Needs Toddlers Hour (Joe)

Wilford Brimley's Die-uh-beet-uhs Roundup (Mike)

—ABC Tuesdays: Just Ejaculate on Her Face! (Jameson)

What? Yous Guys From Jersey, Too? Fuhgeddaboudit! Hey, C'mon... Whoa! What, You Wanna Friggin' Fight About It? (Matt)

Already Starring Ted McGinley (Mike)

Paint Elsewhere (Just a show about a guy whose house was recently painted, and he doesn't need it painted again) (Joe)

What Would It Take to Get You to Eat This Salad? (Matt)

Everybody Loves Raymond: After Dark (Mike)

Baron von Contributors: Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner

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