—Air bag has two settings: 1) saving you during an accident, and 2) auto-erotic asphyxiation. (Mike)
—You've been watching Ocean's Eleven over and over for tips on how to steal Tamiflu from Walgreens. (Sean)
—If you decide not to buy anything from the SkyMall catalog, that'll cost you $30. (Jameson)
—It seems like people on the subway have been staring ever since you started wearing a respirator mask over your Spiderman costume. (Matt)
—"Oh, black people. When will you ever learn?" (Joe)
—Will teach tough, angry minority youths in your city to love poetry, á la Michelle Pfeiffer in Dangerous Minds. (Brandon)
—Unlimited Booty calls (he can call backup quarterback John David Booty at any time, from any location, free of charge). (Brad)
—No lip balm. Enjoy the cracked lips, suckers! (Matt)
—Once a day, a player of Favre's choosing will be "bitch-slapped" by ESPN's Ed Werder. (Mike)
—FOX kept trying to censor her tweets. (Jameson)
—Randy Jackson kept trying to "censor" her "tweets." (Brandon)
—It won't tell anyone about that time you jerked off to a Lebron James dunk compilation on YouTube, unlike your mom. (Matt)
—Winner will receive an "Old West" photo of him or herself with Jeff Probst. (Jameson)
—"While a reasonable variant, afterwards should never be used to replace afterward." (Matt)
—You're grossly overweight and you have Washington Redskins season tickets, yet you refrain from wearing a novelty pig snout to the team's season opener. (Joe)
—Every time you fart, you demand that your wife put her head near your ass to see if things "smell swiney" down there. (Mike)
—Gets 650 miles per gallon in the country – like you'd ever go to the country, you latte-sipping yuppie. (Jameson)
—"Short and loose like a Chinese prostitute." (Matt)
—Arm rest property taxes. (Brandon)
—"The Goonies really doesn't hold up! Watch it again as an adult if you don't believe me!" (Joe)
—You paid $8 for that iPhone app that listens to your cough and tells you which flu you have: regular, avian, swine, or Gary Busey. (Jameson)
—"Shut the doors and crank up the Skynyrd, it's time for the obituaries!" (Matt)
—Immunity challenges to be replaced by swine flu immunity challenges. (Brandon)
—If you had to sit between a dick and a douche, would you stay? (Matt)
—Steering wheel programmed to give you an electric shock every time you attempt to get fast food drive-thru, you lardass. (Joe)
—You bought a decontamination hazmat suit to wear over your decontamination hazmat suit. (Jameson)
—"I'll start eating white bread when white people start eating black forest ham." (Matt)
—Dropped hints that they may charter another one of those sex boats. (Brandon)
—You've stopped having secret sexual relations with pigs and started having them with larger birds. (Mike)
—"Bend over and take it in your news hole!" (Matt)
—Nothing. It's all just a scam so Favre can screw over the Vikings (and more importantly, their fans) at the most inopportune moment. Once a Packer, always a Packer! (Sean)
Baron von Contributors: Sean Hecht, Brad Kruse, Brandon Kruse, Matt Kruse, Joe Mulder, Jameson Simmons, Mike Wagner
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